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New Mexico Farm & Ranch Museum CAPA Show
August 19, 2010 - December 15, 2010
4100 Dripping Springs Road
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Friday, April 30, 2010

Where is the truth?

  "Truth is over rated" I have heard may people say. Truth is not overrated it is one thing that gets abused in today's society. When we ask politicians to tell the truth they find ways of changing it so they can say they told the truth but it is far from the truth. When it comes to dating the same thing happens. We ask the person we are dating to tell the truth and they find ways to tell what they consider to be the truth in a creative way. Why can't we tell the truth? Is it that we are afraid of someone's reaction to that truth? If that is the case why does that matter? If we don't know how to tell the truth. Then we can change our behavior no one is to old to change who they are. Truth is not overrated it is the way we should live our lives. Why can't we all be honest?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What does that mean?

Every so often some new fad comes along and everyone jumps on. A few years ago it was ribbons for different causes. Each cause had a different color. Now it is rubber band on the wrists. Yellow for the cancer, red for AIDS, blue for bone marrow, green for organ transplant, etc. It is great that people want to show their support for the different causes. I support causes of different kinds for different reasons. But is showing our support for causes by wearing something should not be the end. How many times have you said that someone needs to do something but you don't do something. We all have the potential to be good in this world.  However, we tend to be passive in our support for causes. Whether it has to do with politics or medical issues we need to be more verbal and we need to be more proactive in what we do and say.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why are we attracted to who we are attracted too?

Human attraction is a very unexplainable. You ask someone to describe what kind of person they would like to be attracted too and they will tell you physical things. They might say that the person needs to be blond or tall. They might also say that they should have blue eyes or hazel. But is that what being attracted to someone is all about. I don't think that is the case. I think that being attracted to someone whether that person is a boyfriend, girlfriend, or just a friend is more. There has to be a deeper connection for it to be a true connection. Sadly many times we fail to understand that we need to look beyond the skin beyond what we see can we see the beauty before us. That is what we can truly love and care. That is a true attraction or connection.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is beauty?

I get asked numerous times if I am good looking or not. I find that to be a interesting question in that what I find to be beautiful or good looking is not necessarily what the next person would find beautiful. Beauty is one of those things that can only be defined by the individual. While we many be able to agree on some general characteristics of beauty we will not agree on the same definition of beauty. What is also interesting is that what we consider beautiful can also be changed or enhanced many times to alter the true beauty of an object or person. Look at how many shows there are for Cosmetic Surgery. Is it necessary? Why are we so fixated on superficial beauty? Why do we have to try to conform with someone else s idea of beauty? Be grateful for the beauty you see and don't let others tell you differently.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I was put on earth as I am

"I was put on this earth as I am. 
I was born with my own special blessings.  
I will let them shine and not give a dam.  
I was put on this earth as I am."

I head these lyrics from a a recent movie I watch.  It is an amazing song.  It reminded me of an experience I had in college.  There was this man and woman who would appear in the spring on campus.  They would come on campus to preach at students as we came and went to class.  We had a nick name for him but I won't mention it here.  Well let just call him Preacher Pete.  

Preacher Pete would stand on a bench and yeah at male students saying they were whore mongers.  To the female students he would call them whores.  If one of us walked by wearing our Greek letters he would say we were living in orgy filled house.  Needless to say no one took him serious or gave him attention.  It only got women to flash him and others to flip him off.

Okay so what am I getting at in telling you this story.  These words of the song at the beginning reminded me of how Preacher Pete made judgments of our lives without knowing anything about our lives.  He made judgments about our fraternities and sororities.  He was making judgments about whether or not we having sex. He did try to find out anything just accused us.

I still see that around in the world.  How many times do we see those television preachers say things about other people's lives without knowing them.  They make snap judgments about things they don't know anything about.  I remember reading a story about a preacher burning Harry Potter books because they were not good.  When asked what about the books he did not like he stated he had not read them.  I read that and wondered how can he condemn something he knows nothing about. 

There are people who condemn someone's personal life but they don't know what really is going on.  I know in my own life I have had people assume things about my personal life that were no where near true.  Had they been true man I would have amazing things to write about and I would be busy all the time. 

So I guess I am wondering why can't people realize that judging others doesn't help anyone?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Winston Churchill

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. 
-- Winston Churchill --

Someone once asked me what I wanted to be remember for?  I thought and thought about it and finally said that I want to be remembered for the good I have done in the world.  Not that is not to say that would want some huge funeral when person after person gets up and talks about how wonderful I was.  Now that would be great but does that really measure a man.  Think about it when you think about someone great you talk about what they did that was good.  How much they changed people's lives for the good.

I get involved in a lot of different organizations in the community.  I don't do it so that I can get a pat on the back but to make a difference in a positive way in the world.  I may never know how I have done so as it may take time to effect but I would like to think that what I do makes a difference.  I don't know if you have ever seen the movie pass it on.  That the someone does something good for a person and the recipient then does good and on and on.  I do believe that our job in this world is continue the cycle.  

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do people think?

I like to watch people when I am out and about.  One of the places where I get a chuckle from time to time is the gym.  I sometimes ask myself why would you dress like that.  Okay so maybe it is not the circus but still how people dress when the workout says something about them I think. 

I sometimes see people who are dressed in jeans and work boots and t-shirt and working out.  It is like they are at work.  Maybe they are but it would seem to me uncomfortable.  Then there are those who show up in the gym in workout shorts and t-shirt and gold chains, watches, and rings.  It is like they were out on the town.  Then there are those who show up in the matching shirt, shorts, and shoes.  There are the ones who show up in ripped shirts showing off worked out bodies.

All of these are examples of what can be found in the gym on a regular bases.  The question is why would do people wear what they wear to the gym?  For some the gym is a place to be seen.  You can see that when you watch people "working out" and talking on cell phones or carrying on lengthy conversations. 

Now this is just one place where I have observed people's behaviors.  I think that for many people whether consciously or unconsciously they sometimes forget what they are doing.  We continue to be busy people and we sometimes keep doing things without realizing what we are doing.  Think about those people who are talking on their phones and having conversations that we really don't need to be a part of. 

So bottom line what were those people thinking?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What a rip off

I went to the movies a couple of days ago.  I like the movie but I was annoyed with the theater snack bar.  I got a bottle of water.  Now that is not a big surprised but I was annoyed by the price.  I paid $2.25 for a small bottle of water.  After the movies I went to the store down the road to get something and they had the same size bottle for $1.50 at that store.  Today I had to go to Family Dollar Store and the same bottle of water was $1.29.

Okay now I can't see why the prices have to be so varied.  I would imagine the purchase price for the stores and theater was I would bet even cheaper.  Things should be more standard in their pricing.  This is just one example I have seen of where prices are so varied.  If there was more standardized pricing then people could save a lot more money. 

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