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New Mexico Farm & Ranch Museum CAPA Show
August 19, 2010 - December 15, 2010
4100 Dripping Springs Road
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Old Technology

I love movies and so when I see movies for sale cheap I of course check them out.  Today I was at the store with a friend and they had a bin with movies for $5.00 each.  Well I was looking through and found first season of 21 Jump Street.

Now for those of you who are not familiar with this series it was made in the 1970s.  Johnny Depp was one of the starts and was when people started noticed him.  Now what is funny is to watch what they thought was technology.  They needed to go to a pay phone to make a call as cell phones were not around at the time.  The cars that they were thinking were the best cars.  I also was watching another movie where flip phones were the in thing for the time.

It makes me think a little bit about how technology has changed our lives.  I can remember when cell phones were a brick and there was no way that it would have fit in pocket.  There is also the technology when it comes to music.  We begin with vinyl albums and 45 LPM.  There was 8 track tapes and they were the thing and players were everywhere.  Now they don't exist well none that I have seen.  Then came cassette tapes and now you don't find them anymore.  Then there was CD's and those are still around.  What is even scarier is if you went and asked a high school kid what some of these methods of listening to music they will look at you and say never heard of it or that is old school. 

What are some of the other things has technolgy changed?

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Last night I was in the mood to go out.  Now that is unusal as I don't particularly care for bars/clubs.  Now don't get me wrong I do like to go with friends ocassionaly.  Last night I went with a friend I had not hung out with a long time.  As I was driving I did not drink.  The bars/clubs are 40 miles from where i am at. 
So needless to I was sobber.  Being sobber I spent a lot of the night observing people.  It is interesting how a lot of people at the bars/clubs seem to be focused on getting drunk.  I ended up with beer from the pitchers in peoples hands on the dance floor.  I don't know about you I am not much for wearing beer.  I also looked around I could see how for some it seems that the bar/club seems to be their only socail outlet.  I know I have talked with some who will go to the club every weekend to the bars/clubs.  They will go two and three days on the weekend. 
Now I would say that bars/clubs are not the ideal place to meet someone for a dating relationship.  Now I am sure there are some out there who have met their significant other at bars.  But how often does that happen and how often does it last?  I don't know about you but I like to talk to the person I am dating and get to know who they are and what they are about.
I also would have to say that for a lot of people at the bar they can be very self absorbed.  Getting back to the fact I ended up with beer on my legs with no acknowlegement of what they did says they didn't care.  I meet a lot of people at the bars if you don't meet their standards they will not be civil.  Case in point I was introduced to a friend of a friend last night and after we were introduced he procced to cut me out of the conversations and physically placed himself so as to cut me out of the converstation.  Now as I mentioned I was sober and it made me wonder about others and as I watched others I could see the same thing occuring around the bar/club.  I don't know it is my observation. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What can happen at the Gym

This afternoon I went to the gym for my daily workout.  Generally when I go to the gym I put my headphones on and go about my business of working out.  Occasionally I will run into a friend or two that works out there.  Needless to say nothing every happens.  Today was an exception to the rule.  I was down to my last exercise when suddenly I see a commotion a few feet away from where I was.  It turned out that a young guy I am talking about a teenager had fainted.  Then it got scary the kid stopped breathing.  The staff and others began to do compressions and mouth to mouth.  They paramedics and ambulance did get there and they did get him breathing again and I found that the kid had an enlarged heart and the doctors had never told his parents. 

I am glad the kid will be okay.  Here is the thing I was not sure what I should be doing.  There were lots of people with the kid and his mom who happened to be there.  Some people around the gym were standing around and watching everything.  Some people were continuing with their workout.  I moved a couple of pieces of equipment for them to have room to bring the equipment in.  I also watched and I also finished my workout.  So what do you think I or anyone who was not helping should have done?

There are good people

I had a rather interesting experience so to speak this weekend.  I was traveled up to Albuquerque for a family function and yes it was a fun and I had fun.  That is not what was interesting.  I was traveling to a family members home and my car died.  It was right in the middle of a busy area.  It would not start and I had to push it out of the road.  I started to do it and two guys jumped out of their cars and helped me push it out of the way.  That was really cool and to those strangers I am thankful for their help.  Well that is not the end.  One of the gentlemen was in an SUV with a woman.  That woman while we were pushing the car drove across the street to the service station and bought a big bottle of water and brought it over to use so that we had water while we waited for the tow truck.  Now that was something nice and thanks to that woman for doing that.  Now if that is all that happened you would say wow.  But yet another truck with a young couple stopped to see if we needed some help as well. 

I would have to say that despite what we hear in the news that people are not helpful or friendly these days I would say that is not the case.  To those people who helped me out know I will be paying it forward I think that is the best thing I can do.  Who else has something to pay forward.?