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New Mexico Farm & Ranch Museum CAPA Show
August 19, 2010 - December 15, 2010
4100 Dripping Springs Road
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Monday, May 31, 2010

Who cares about someone's personal life

It is interesting how people are so focused on gossip and other people's lives.  There are all kinds of places on the internet where you can find postings speculating who is dating who.  Or who is gay and going to come out.  My comment to that is who cares?  Who cares if some star is dating another star?  Does that effect my quality of life?  Does whether or not someone is gay going to change how I live my life? 

Truth is that a person's sexuality or dating history is their own life.  It effects how they live their life and how they interact with the world.  It guides what they do and who they hang with.  I know that in my own life there have been times when people have speculated on my life.  What ended up happening is creating a great deal of problems for me.  In the end they did not bother to say they were sorry for meddling and causing problems. 

I know for me it doesn't matter if some star is dating some other star.  I don't care if some professional athlete is going out with some model.  I don't care if some musician is gay or not.  Why do some people feel we need to know about others personal life.  We need to begin to say privacy is important and that every person has a right to live their life with some privacy.

We live in a country that says that everyone has a right to this or that.  What about the right to have privacy?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Wise Man

Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.- Immanuel Kant 
I have heard people say that wisdom comes with age.  That the more years you have lived the wiser you are.  The assumption is that experience leads to wisdom.  I would challenge that thought in that I know some older people who are far from wise.  I would say that wisdom comes from taking our experiences and converting them into those learned experiences that form our life.  It is when we allow them to change and mold us that we become wiser people.  
I would also say that wisdom comes from pondering what experience and life bring us.  I think a wise person is one that opens their minds to the greater world.  In saying this it would a child who would have the greatest potential to be wise.  Children when they are young are the most open to learn new things and experience more of the world. It is when adults begin to limit those boundaries that the potential is lost.  Therefore, when adults open their minds like a child and explore the world do they become wise.  

While knowledge is important to becoming wise it does not mean that a person will become wise by getting multiple degrees or reading lots of books.  For knowledge does not equal wisdom and wisdom does not equal knowledge.  Now I am not saying that we should give up on studying and learn all that we can.  What I am saying is that learn and be open to whatever the world has to offer.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


The act of romance brings out the best in humans and the worst in man.

A friend of mine posted this tonight on his page and loved what it has to say. I am not sure where found it but it is awesome. I am a hopeless romantic always have been. I love to romance and be romanced. I love to bring the flowers and the candlelight dinners. I love holding that special someone and watching the sun go down. Winter times sitting in front of fire with a glass of wine and that special someone. Okay I could go on and on about romance.

Sadly in today's society I think that romance is a dying art. Fewer and fewer people get into romance. Think about it if we really romanced that special someone then we would really get to know someone. I have met some people that see romance as foreplay to sex and they use it to get into someone's bed. Romance yes can led to sex I will agree with that but it doesn't have to led to sex. For others sex equals romance and they are interchangeable. What happened to pulling a chair out and holding a door and bringing flowers and expressing romance in the world?

I wonder if romance will continue. With speed dating and internet hook ups and online personals. As we become more technological advanced I think that romance has become a victim of advance. I would love to hear what people think about romance.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Porn vs Love

Okay now that I have you excited from the title. I subscribe to a number of magazines. Today I got one of my fitness magazines and it was an article about the ratio of single men. Two of the things the article said was interesting.

One was that the city with the most sex. Now I am not sure how they figure that out. I guess they had cameras in everyone's bedroom. LOL well it said that in Houston people are having sex 88 days out of the year. That comes down to about 7.5 days a month. Now I am not sure if I would say a lot. Well I guess if you are single and don't have someone that could be lot. I kind of wonder what people consider a lot of sex.

The other thing the article says is that the place with the most people subscribing to Porn is Salt Lake City. Again I kind of wonder how they know that item and what they define as porn. I kind of wonder why so many people in one place would have to or want to subscribe to Porn.

I guess the final thing I found interesting was why would a fitness magazine would feel they would need to write an article like this and not stay focused on fitness and exercise.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is a Steward?

I know it has been a long time since I posted something. This evening I was watching a Documentary on National Parks. It is interesting to hear how human beings at times have cared little for what can never been replaced. They talked about he pot hunters and others destroyed some of the history of our country. While places like Chaco Canyon have been looted it is not the only place in the world that it has happened. Look to the Middle East as well.

I have had the pleasure in my life to visit some of the National Parks in the this country. It is amazing to see the beauty and power of some the the oldest national parks. I have also seen how those who careless go and leave trash and other things behind. I think the measure of what and who we are is how we are stewards of what is around us. I have not idea what a Carrier Pigeon looks like other than a picture because others before me cared little for what they were destroying. How many time have you gone for a drive in the mountains and someone has carved initials into a tree or painted them on a rock.

Now I know I won't be around forever but I would like to think that someone somewhere would be grateful for me leaving them a place to enjoy and learn from in the future. This week I bought a new car and I actually tried to think green. It is my way of leaving things better around me.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What does color or gender mean?

I think that it is a powerful comment. How many times do I hear comments from others that they know what it is like to be Hispanic and they are not Hispanic. I have heard straight people say they don’t understand gay people. Well of course they don’t understand them because they see the world through heterosexual eyes while gay people see the world through the gay eyes.
I see the world through Hispanic eyes and I say Hispanic because that is what I choose. I don’t choose Latino or Chicano or any other term. I know that I have been told in the past I have been told that I am Latino but I don’t see it that way. Just because my skin is a certain color doesn’t mean that I am the label that someone says I should be.
Okay so what does that have to do with the beginning of this blog. Any time someone who is not of the particular ethic group or other marginalized group says they know what that particular group feels they don’t. They might understand it through their mind but they truly don’t know what it is like to be Gay, African-American, Hispanic, Latino, Lesbian, Native American, or any other group. We need to respect them in the end.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wasting time

"No life is a waste, the Blue Man said. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."
The Five People you will Meet in Heaven
How many times have you heard people complain about being alone. How often do we fail to see how precious life is around us. How often do we look to those around us to help us find the joys of life. Life is meant to be lived and we are called to live it to the fullest. If we want to truly find the unquiness of life we need to not worry about being alone. We need to understand that our lives and the lives of others are special and need to be celebrated. How often to we see how each person is special and how their life adds to our life. Our time and life are precious so lets not navel gaze and look out into the world at the greatness of all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

People fall down

"The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."
I think that this is so true since we all fall in our lives. No one in this life is perfect. I am close though. LOL Not I know I need to work on things and I work on them. Part of life is accepting that we fall and we need to get up. Sadly a lot people see people fall and keep pushing them down instead of letting them get up. For me to grow I need to get up and move forward. What happens when you fall? Do you get up or do you stay down? Do you keep people down or you let them get up?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To love another

"Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, loves dries on the surface and must be nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive." The Five People you Meet in Heaven

This is a great quote from a great book. It is true that love can come showering down on us when we are in love. But alot of times we forget that the roots of our love needs to be watered. We forget that the world can dry up the love we have for others by the pressures placed on our relationships. 

For some people they think that love has to be a certian way or a certian place. How often does love really follow the rules? I don't remember seeing a rule book in the bookstore for love.  Who said we had to follow certian rules to love another person? Who says my rules have to be the same as yours for loving a person? I know that the way I love others is very different from the person next to me.  The people I love will be different as well. 

One of my favorite songs from the musical Les Miserables says, "to love another person is to see the face of God." Love is so much bigger than you or me.  Love also does have a certain body type or certain people  Every person has the capacity to love other people but they have to choose to love.  When we truly love someone we can see the face of God and fill our lives with more than we can imagine.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We are a collection of dots

One of my favorite movies has a line that says that life is like a series a dots all connected. Well it may not be the exact quote but I hope you get the point. How very true is this statement. While each of us is responsible for our own happiness whether we have a significant other in our lives or not. While we may have someone in our lives it is up to us to make ourselves happy. And how happy I make me has an effect on yours and the next person's happiness. Think about it how often do you say something like, "man he/she is bring me down or making me depressed." Which brings me to what prompted this ranting today. I was watching a show on tv about the gay marriage debate back east. What was sad to see is that some of the people they showed on the show seemed to care really for themselves and did not care how happy or content others were around them. They seemed to care only that their vision of the world be put forth. How disconnected is that? While each of us supports and adds to each others happiness it does not mean that each of us has to be happy in the same way. Why can't people understand that point. Why is it that who we choose to be happy with has to matter to my next door neighbor or the guy down the street. Why can't we just let people live their lives with whoever they want. So long as people are not killing others or hurting others why does it matter who they choose as their significant other.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hatred is not a family value

We learn a lot from our parents and other relatives. We learn our family heritage and where we have been. Sometimes that is not necessaryly a good thing. Some things in our past we could be ashamed of because of injustices some in our family have done. The good thing is that as we learn about those injustices we don't have to relive them in our lives. However, some choose not to learn from the past and choose to continue to live those injustices in the present. Where it is hatred or violence or whatever it could be it can be changed. It takes more guts to step into the unknown than to stay in a cycle that is not healthy. How often to we have the chance to change the future in a postive way and we choose not to because we are afraid of what others will think or we are afraid of what might happen. We do not have to teach the next generation the evils of this world if we choose to teach them what is right and respectful.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What is love?

What is Love?

Love is one word in todays society thatis so over used. We use love to describe things from food to people. English unlike greek does not clearly define what love is about. The greeks had three words for love. One word EROS which focus on the carnal love the physical love. It is the erotic love that is expressed. There is AGAPE which is love for those who are important in out lives. The love we have for sibblings and friends and relatives. The other word for love is PHILIO this love is love for our fellow men and women. For people in general. Which ever love we express it is important that we express true love.

Sadly many people don't understand what love is about. For them the physical contact with people is all that love is about. They feel that emotions have nothing to do with love. That whether or not they can have physical contact is whether or not they can express love. I have heard many say that sex equals love. I disagree in that love leads to sexual expression. And yes there are some who use sex for recreation and that is not love.

Many of these people feel that sex will lead to love rather than love leading to sex. When it comes to loving others who are not their sexual partner many fall short in this area. They are afraid to tell someone they love them because they may get it wrong. If a man was to tell another man he loved him they are afraid to be called gay. However, for a woman tell a woman she loves her that is not necessaryly the case. How often do people tell their relatives that they love them. Some would say that their relatives will think they are up to something. How do you use love in your life?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What governs your decisions?

Every day we have to make choices that effect our lives. Now not every choice will have a major impact on our lives. Some simple choices such as whether to eat hamburger or a chicken sandwich is simple. Those choices may not have major effects on our lives but will effect our lives. Then there are the choices like our jobs or places to live. These choices are governed by outside circumstances as well as those things we think are important. For some it is their religious beliefs that govern how they make these decisions. Still others use other means to govern their decisions. I have heard some say that make decisions by asking what is best for me. They make decisions that are only important for themselves. They don't care about other only for themselves. So when you make decisions who do you take into account?