Okay I am one for hearing feedback to improve myself. However, when the feedback comes with no real support for what is being said, how valid is the feedback? I was not showed the results of the survey and I was left with the impression that the goal was to corner each person or just certain persons on the board. Now I do this as a volunteer and I give my time to the organization because I believe in the organization. I also believe my time is valuable yet when I left this meeting I felt like it was about people not wanting to share their feelings openly. Now I know maybe some feel they can't do that with me but have they tried or asked to speak to me privately about it. No it had not been done.
So not at this point I have two options. I could say enough is a enough and walk away. I know that is not always the best thing. I kind of feel like doing that. The other option is to stick it out keep working on the projects I am doing for the organization and giving my time and waiting for others to maybe change their positions or quit. I have had some bad experiences in the past and what happened today resurrected some of those feelings. We learn from our past and the past on those feelings and experiences were not pretty.
What to do with the door open?
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