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New Mexico Farm & Ranch Museum CAPA Show
August 19, 2010 - December 15, 2010
4100 Dripping Springs Road
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Last night I was in the mood to go out.  Now that is unusal as I don't particularly care for bars/clubs.  Now don't get me wrong I do like to go with friends ocassionaly.  Last night I went with a friend I had not hung out with a long time.  As I was driving I did not drink.  The bars/clubs are 40 miles from where i am at. 
So needless to I was sobber.  Being sobber I spent a lot of the night observing people.  It is interesting how a lot of people at the bars/clubs seem to be focused on getting drunk.  I ended up with beer from the pitchers in peoples hands on the dance floor.  I don't know about you I am not much for wearing beer.  I also looked around I could see how for some it seems that the bar/club seems to be their only socail outlet.  I know I have talked with some who will go to the club every weekend to the bars/clubs.  They will go two and three days on the weekend. 
Now I would say that bars/clubs are not the ideal place to meet someone for a dating relationship.  Now I am sure there are some out there who have met their significant other at bars.  But how often does that happen and how often does it last?  I don't know about you but I like to talk to the person I am dating and get to know who they are and what they are about.
I also would have to say that for a lot of people at the bar they can be very self absorbed.  Getting back to the fact I ended up with beer on my legs with no acknowlegement of what they did says they didn't care.  I meet a lot of people at the bars if you don't meet their standards they will not be civil.  Case in point I was introduced to a friend of a friend last night and after we were introduced he procced to cut me out of the conversations and physically placed himself so as to cut me out of the converstation.  Now as I mentioned I was sober and it made me wonder about others and as I watched others I could see the same thing occuring around the bar/club.  I don't know it is my observation. 

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